Emacs is an editor used by many, on the Linux and Unix Operating system.
Mainly used by programmers and developers, it has a lot to offer.
However, If you are interested in quick text processing, VIM might serve the purpose better.
Following is the list of most commonly used shortcuts in emcas:-
Before we begin, it is important to point out that "ctrl" and "meta" are the two most used keys in emacs.
1) Ctrl: we are aware of and is available on most keyboards.
2) Meta: But what is meta ? It's key often found on macbooks and they are not explicitly available in most of the laptops and desktop keyboards. But, the "left-alt" or the "right-alt" key will serve as meta key(by default) in such cases. If, this is not the case, stuff such as "auto hot key" programs.
So, here we begin the list of commands:-
Mainly used by programmers and developers, it has a lot to offer.
However, If you are interested in quick text processing, VIM might serve the purpose better.
Following is the list of most commonly used shortcuts in emcas:-
Before we begin, it is important to point out that "ctrl" and "meta" are the two most used keys in emacs.
1) Ctrl: we are aware of and is available on most keyboards.
2) Meta: But what is meta ? It's key often found on macbooks and they are not explicitly available in most of the laptops and desktop keyboards. But, the "left-alt" or the "right-alt" key will serve as meta key(by default) in such cases. If, this is not the case, stuff such as "auto hot key" programs.
So, here we begin the list of commands:-
Function that it serves
Exit emacs
Ctrl x ctrl c
Emacs –nw –Q
Launch without windows and any customizations.
Go to the help menu
Ctrl V
Move forward in the tutorial screen
Meta v
Move back in the tutorial screen.
Moving to the previous line
Ctrl p
Moving backwards
Ctrl b
Moving forward
Ctrl f
Moving to the next line
Ctrl n
Word oto word movement
Meta f and meta b
Going to the beginning of the line
Ctrl a
Going to the end of the line
Ctrl e
Deleting an entire line
Ctrl k
Traverse entire sentences back and forth
Meta a and Meta e
Undo an action in emacs
Ctrl /
Open a file
Ctrl x ctrl f
Save a file
Ctrl x ctrl s
Split the buffer into two portions
Ctrl x and 3
Launch REPL in the second window
Ctrl c and !
Move back and forth between the two portions of
the screen.
Ctrl I or ctrl o
To start Selecting a portion of the text
Ctrl space and then you can do your regular ctrl
Copy paste
Meta w and
ctrl y
Cut paste
Ctrl w and ctrl y
Execute a particular line
Ctrlc and ctrl j
Executing multiple lines
Ctrl c and ctrl R (This way one could execute the
entire code while being inside the emacs.)
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