Vocab Dose

(noun) A stupid person.
(adjective) Stupid, Idiotic.

Try not to make imbecile remarks.

(noun) A picture of Christ or of Virgin Mary, or of a saint painted in a traditional way on a wooden panel, considered sacred in the eastern orthodox church.

Used Figuratively:-
Today's sports icons.

Someone who disregards, attacks or ridicules conventional or cherished beliefs.

An iconoclast who made fun of patriotism.


(Verb) Entertain or amuse (someone) with talk.

I'll regale you with my serious thoughts regarding consulting in another post.

Machiavellian (mai - kya- villian)
(Adjective) Cunning, Scheming and Unscruplous especially in politics and in advancing one's career.

Machiavellian management techniques are the tools this firm uses to generate mundane and uninspired results for clients.

(verb) It is a duty or responsibility of someone to do something ; It is incumbent on.
Example: It behooves any coach to study his predecessors.

(verb) It is appropriate or suitable; it befits.

1) It ill behooves the opposition constantly to decry the sale of arms to friendly countries.
2) This puts us at high risk of damaging our lower back in some way, so it certainly behooves us to strengthen our lower back muscles.

idée fixe

An idée fixe is a preoccupation of mind held so firmly as to resist any attempt to modify it, a fixation.

An idée fixe that he was of royal blood.

1) (noun) The worship of idols.

2) Excessive or undescerning admiration or reverence; Blind Infatuation.

He adores him to the point of idolatory.


(Noun) A short poem or prose piece depicting simple scenes of pastoral, domestic, or country life; also a more
descriptive or narrative poem.


(Adjective) Of, containing or having the nature of fire.

whence the name igneous for rocks formed from volcanic magma.


(Adjective) The opposite of Noble.

Dishonorable and contemptible.


(Noun): An ignorant person.

He is such an ignoramus, he doesn't even know that China is in Asia.



An extremely confused, complicated, or embarrassing situation.

Example: The Watergate Imbroglio.


(verb) : Inspire or permeate with a feeling or quality

To be imbued with the spirit of democracy.


(adj) : Spotless; Completely Clean.


(adj) : Remaining within ; inherent.

Immanence refers to philosophical and metaphysical theories of divine presence, in which the divine is seen to be manifested in or encompassing of the material world.


(verb) To come into a country or region of which one is not a native in order to settle there.


About to happen.

Antonym: Remote, distant, far-off

Example: Everyone waited anxiously for the imminent storm.


(verb) : Kill or offer as a sacrifice, esp. by burning

The Vietnamese monk immolated himself.

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