4AFSB Varanasi Air Force SSB : Recommended

My Memorable Experience at 4-AFSB Varanasi.

Greetings of the day to all the Air Force SSB aspirants. I am Ashish Mishra, and in the coming few paragraphs I intend to sharemy memorable journey through the 5 day Air Force SSB, held at 4-AFSB Varanasi.

Just an Information: I cleared the SSB and was recommended for Commissioned Officer in IAF. :)
(I don't intend to boast. It is just meant to assure the reader, that he might not be out rightly wasting his time reading this article.)
There were other equally or more deserving candidates in my batch, but some of them did not make it.
The best part of SSB is that it gives you that "coming of age" experience. You meet lot of different people with different viewpoints. And Of Course, you end up making a lot of friends :).
One more thing, clearing SSB in itself is a huge confidence booster for anyone. You think you are invincible after this !!!

First,a little background about me. I am an engineering graduate in Computer Science from Pune University (VIT, to be precise) and after a good 2 years in IT industry, decided to give a shot at Air Force Technical Entry for Engineers.

So, it all started on 26 Feb, when I appeared for the All-India AFCAT (Air Force Common Admission Test). My center was Thane. Anyone who has practiced a little bit of RS Agrawal Quants, Verbal Non Verbal Reasoning will find it a cake walk. So, the results were out and as I had expected, I cleared it. (Though there was no mention of marks scored and rankings.)

The results took a good 1.5 months after the exam. Shortly the SSB dates were posted on the AF website. I got the 30th April batch at Varanasi.

I reached Varanasi, a day in advance, i.e. on 29th. Stayed at a hotel near Railway Station. Woke up the next morning, got dressed up, checked out and reported at the destination mentioned in SSB call letter.

There were already a few boys waiting there. One thing I want to point out here is that, the moment we see strangers, in present times, being cynics, we think they might not be interested to talk to us, or might give aus a cold shoulder. Even I felt the same for a moment. But then, I went forward and introduced myself to a few guys. I came to know that most of the candidates were either from Maharashtra or from Rajasthan. I had just started making friends in 4-AFSB !!!

There were officials from the Air Force as well. After our IDs were verified, and our luggage loaded in  a separate bus, We were taken to 4AFSB,Varanasi in a yellow bus.

I could feel the excitement in the air. My heart-beat-rate must have clocked around 200 !! The fear of the unknown, I think is the most primitive of all our fears. I told myself to calm down, but in vain. The bus , soon left for the selection board. Interestingly, the board was just at a drive of 10 minutes from the railway station. They could have easily made us march that distance !!!

We alighted the bus and were asked to stand in a row, just in front of the Candidate's mess. Then came a confident looking person with a smile on his face. He introduced himself in such a pleasant way as if we were his childhood friends !! And thus,  we came to know that he was supposed to be our Group Selection Officer(GSO) and would be our point of contact for our entire stay at 4-AFSB. -Wg Cdr Basu.

We were all taken to an air-conditioned auditorium on the first floor in a 2-storey building and seated after being assigned temporary chest numbers. After that, there was a general talk given by few senior Air Force Officers with half Birds on their chest (Helicopter Flyers wear half birds and the fighter pilots wear full birds.)

Soon, a lady (I thought she was the Psychologist) came in and briefed us about the screening test. Soon, the test began. We were given different booklets and asked to complete two tests. Both lasted for 20 minutes.

The first test was Verbal Reasoning , with majority of questions from Analogy.The second test was purely based on Visual Reasoning . The questions were of average nature and one just needs a calm and composed mind to crack them.

The booklets and the small answer sheets were immediately collected back from us. The lady again took to the  the dais and started talking about the impending Picture Perception and Description test. We were shown a picture for 30 seconds and were asked to write a story about it.I don't quite remember the time allotted for writing the story, but it was close to 10 minutes.

Also we were instructed to mention the details such as:-
No. of people in the picture.
Their ages, mood and gender.
Also we were supposed to mention the person we saw first in the picture.
The PPDT:-
The picture given to us was that of two farmers working in a barren field and there was a huge cloud of fire smoke at some distance behind them. One of them had a distressed look on his face while the other was neutral.Also, it was a bit bleak looking picture. I can assure you that it was intentionally made bleak, as this test also checks the imagination of the candidates.
The mental analysis that I did:-
Any story that I had to write was supposed to bring out certain positive qualities in its characters. This picture provided ample opportunities in that respect :)

The moment I saw a cloud of smoke behind the farmers, I was reminded of the Fukushima Nuclear disaster in Japan (Japan  has a substantial farmer population !!!, who were all affected along with their crops).

My story:- (In brief)
Alex and Jacob were brothers, Alex being the eldest. They both were farmers. One day, while they were doing the usual work in their fields, they heard a huge explosion in the nearby Nuclear Power plant. Soon a huge cloud of smoke issued from the destroyed building. Jacob, panicked at the sight of fire. But Alex kept his cool. Being a literate, he knew that there was a good possibility of Nuclear radiation leak from the plant. He decided to quickly alert the villagers about the scenario. Also, he knew about the use of wet mud and cow dung to protect oneself from Radiation. He along with his brother ran to the village and alerted everybody about the impending disaster. He asked the villagers to cover their hut walls with wet cow-dung and to stay indoors until the Government help arrives. Through their timely action and quick thinking they managed to save a lot of lives.

After the time ran out, were told to fold the answer sheet and keep it in our front pockets. We were asked not to refer to the story anymore. We were all taken to a nearby building, which housed the GD rooms. The moment I entered the GD room along with 10 people, I noticed 4 officers and a facilitator waiting for us. The four officers sat in a semicircle manner at a distance from our place of sitting. The facilitator greeted us and asked us to introduce ourselves. It went fairly smooth, with an occasional "butterfly in the stomach effect". Each of us described his story. We were asked to discuss our stories together and reach a common story. Almost Every-one had written something about a fire\disaster\mis-happening. So, in a very short round of well-balanced discussion, we reached a common story and asked one of the group members - Tariq Aziz to summarize the story.

So, that concluded our screening test. After a short wait, We were asked to gather in front of the group discussions building. The screening results were announced by our GSO. 

22 people had to leave. That left 44 of us to face the next 4 days of testing. We were all asked to leave for lunch and were instructed to return back to the auditorium, where we had given our verbal and non verbal section of Screening test.

I thought, the testing for the day was done. But how very wrong I was !! The moment we entered the auditorium, we were assigned new chest numbers, that were to be with us for the rest of our stay. I was assigned 26. Also, we were greeted by the same lady officer, who had taken our screening test. She was to take our psychological test which comprised of:-
1) Word Association Test. (60 words, Had to form sentences quickly.)
2) Thematic Appreciation Test. (12 pictures - Had to write short stories based on the same.)
3) Situation Reaction Test. (60 situations, had to write down our reaction quickly.)
4) Self Description. (What you, your parents, your friends, your colleagues think about you.)

We never really knew, how those 2 hours flew by. Our answer sheets were collected, and FINALLY at 4:30 PM, we were asked to leave for our dorm rooms. Before leaving, we were grouped in batches of 10, and each was assigned a name and a dorm room. I was assigned Group C, and our group was supposed to stay at Dorm Room named Mig 21. I was pleasantly surprised to see that each of the dorm rooms where the candidates had to stay, were given Air Force Aircraft names. Some of them being - Su 30, Mig 23, Mirage etc...

By evening a notice was put in front of our dorm rooms. It was a timetable for all the groups. So for our group, it was first two days of group tasks. One day off. And the last day as personal Interview.

Next day, everybody woke up by 5:00 and got ready by 6:30 !!! Some did it for the first time in their lives. Discipline can really do wonders !!!
We gathered in front of candidate's mess at sharp 6:45 (after having our breakfast).We had put on the PT dress and were taken to the nearby ground. It was littered with all kind of obstacles, ropes, canisters, thick stumps etc. Soon, our Group testing officers came. There were two of them, one lady and one male officer. In the following 3 hours we did a variety of tasks:-

Progressive Group Task. -All had to work in a team, to cross obstacles using ropes and stumps etc.
Half Group Task - Group was into divided into two and was asked to do tasks independently.
Final Group Task. - Same as Progressive Group Task. It is the last opportunity for anyone who has not         performed well in the group tasks.
Individual Group Task. - Also called command Task. You are called and explained the task of crossing the obstacles. Then, you are asked to complete the task. You can summon two of your group members for this task. Your Leadership skills are checked.

Later we were taken to the nearby building for Group Planning Exercise. Here we were all introduced to a real life scenario involving a village, some dacoits, a girl about to be kidnapped, a train about to be derailed etc... And were asked to come up with a strategy through group discussion. Thankfully, each one of us contributed to the solution with least altercation. The group chose me to explain the plan to the GTO. This turned out to be the last activity of the day. We went back to our dorm and had a relaxed evening. Some of the guys played volleyball and badminton. The equipment were at our disposal from the nearby sports store room. Has a sumptuous dinner and retired for the day.

Next day, was the day of Individual Task and lecturette. Now, let me dispel some myths at the very outset. This is not at all an important test. I mean, they need officers and not monkeys. There are a total of 10 obstacles with varying degree of difficulty. At least 6 of them can be completed without any hassles and that is what that needs to be done. Don't overexert yourself for stuff like Tiger Jump and Climbing a rope etc.
If you get bruised, that leaves a negative impression. And yes, the GTO gives a demo of how each obstacle needs to be tackled. I myself, am not a big athlete and completed only 6 tasks but was recommended. So, no need to worry Guys !!!

After the Individual Task, comes an important activity called lecturette. Most often done in the Playground itself. You are given 3 chits and you have to speak for 5 minutes on any of the topics. I was given:-
1) The future of e-Commerce in India.
2) Women empowerment in India.
3) I don't remember the third one.

I spoke on the second one. One important point here is to avoid blaming the system. Present the positive aspects, first and foremost. If at all you want to point out some deficiencies, complement them with good\feasible solutions. Don't slouch your shoulders. Try to look at everyone as if you are having a collective conversation with all those sitting in front of you. Do not look\stare over everybody's head or at the GTO. I think, its a make or break test and is a good opportunity to make up for any thing you have missed in the group tasks.

So this is how our 3rd day concluded at 4-AFSB. The next day was an off day for our group. So we got a day break before our personal interviews. Many of my group-mates went to the Varanasi ghats and other places. I visited the nearby temple and cyber cafe to gather some GK gist for the interviews.

So on the 4th day, our batch had its personal interview. I was interviewed by Wg. Cdr. Sonny Misra, an elderly, serious looking, smart officer. I was ushered into his cabin after waiting  for around 7 hours!!! it is generally like this only unless you are among the first few called for the interview. We were called randomly by different interviewers and I was the second last to be called. The interviewer asked me about my interest, academics family, how I managed my budget (As I was employed in Amdocs at that time.), why Air Force after 2 years in IT sector, why so late, what do you have to offer to AirForce, what kind of job profile you are looking for etc etc... There were times when he did not agree with me, but I kept my cool and did not over exert myself. My answers were optimistic and devoid of extremism. I felt, this worked for me.

Also, if you have some views, be ready to back them up with real life example. For example, I said, people are intrinsically helpful by nature but some times skepticism stops them from doing the right thing. He asked me to give an example from my life when I had been helpful to someone and received help from some one else.

The interview lasted for an hour. We were thus, done for the day. So, we were nearing the completion of this 5 day journey. All of us assembled in the Candidate's mess. Surprisingly, none of us was anxious about the results. May be it came from the fact that, we had the most fulfilling 5 days of our life behind us. No Regrets. Only learning. By now, I knew each of my group members (Group C) by his name and chest number, both.

There were still some interviews from other batches remaining. So we had to wait for another 2 hours. At around 3:30 PM, we were all asked to come to the auditorium, after packing our bags (Those who would not be selected, had to leave immediately for the station. Of Course, there was a bus waiting.).

The call up for the Conference started, and each one of us was called and asked easy\general questions about our stay, suggestions for improvement, etc by the board (By the way, inside the conference room, there were at least 15 officers sitting along with the President of the board. It was enough to intimidate any guy, but by the time you reach the 5th day, you don't really get intimidated by anything !!!). So it was a short and sweet affair, where the entire batch of around 44 guys was dealt within an hour.

We were seated in the auditorium for another 30 minutes. Some were excited, some quiet, some determined not to show their emotions. It seemed like ages before our  GSO along with the GTO came inside the auditorium. Without much ado, they announced the results, where in 5 people got recommended and asked to stay back to fill more forms. I was one of them, and was hugged by each of the members of my group and by some others as well. It was a great feeling. Standing on the podium, I finally could have a sense of achievement. I had made it through the coveted SSB !!! 4th May 2012, the most eventful day of my life...

I hope, this account was of some help, however small, to any interested aspirant. I am always open to questions\ inquiries. Just ask them in the comment section and I will answer them the same day(I have this habit of checking my gmail every few hours !!!).

As a parting note, let me borrow and re-frame these famous lines from The Matrix.

No body can really be told what the SSB is all about, YOU HAVE TO SEE IT FOR YOURSELF. 

And indeed, what an experience it was !!!

Ashish Mishra
PS: Never pass off an opportunity to appear for SSB. It's a life time opportunity and you will end up being a better person after those 5 days, irrespective of the result !!!


  1. what was the cost of the hotel where u stayed for a night?

  2. hie .... is being nervous about it good or bad .... because i dont have anyone to talk about it .. people around me in general think that i will get it and that makes me even more nervous!!!

  3. and i dint even say that i am a 4th year btech student of instrumentation and yes this is my first attempt!

    1. I think, they are just trying to motivate you. You should take it in the right spirit.
      Since, this is your first attempt, you stand a far better chance than those who have already appeared and failed in the ssb.

      And please, just kick this feeling of nervousness out of your mind. The board is looking for confident and pragmatic people.

      Just go there and give your 100% in every task. Also, ensure the following:-

      1) Make lots of friends. In fact by the end of the second day, you should be in a position to tell the name and chest number of at least 10 persons in your batch and especially your group.
      2) Never ever be involved in a controversy there.
      3) Ensure, that you talk clearly and realistically.
      4) Give others a chance in various tasks and GDs. It's a mark of a true officer.

      Lastly, it is quite normal to get nervous. But don't allow this to overpower you. You are going for a mission and you must succeed. Failure is not an option.

      Ashish Mishra

    2. This comment has been removed by the author.

    3. sir i am applying for navy and they have asked to send the marksheets of 10th and 12th sir i have 10th class marksheet
      but my 12th class marksheet is in delhi as i was searching

      job for a moment i have school leaving certificate in which my total 12th class marks are there will this work?????

    4. @Hali Vikas: It seems, the Navy people have asked the aspirants to send the applications along with necessary documents - by post. In that case, it's a 50-50 chance for you, as you can't convince anybody verbally here.
      But you can surely send your school leaving certificate along with a small note, stating your problem. They might accept you application.

    5. thanx sir...sir my another question is that i have a knock knee problem will it hinder my selection at the medical board??????

    6. @Hali Vikas: Let me put it as clearly as I can.
      If they find that you have knock knee, they will surely reject you. AFCME, the place where you will have your medicals, is highly intolerant about knock knees.

      So try and rectify this problem, to whatever extent possible.

      But there is a slight catch here as well, once you are rejected in medicals for knock knee, you are given an opportunity to appeal. Now, the appeal medical is done at a place other than AFCME. Most often, the medical center is alloted close to your city of residence, at some army hospital. Here, they are tolerant about knock knees and they may pass you. But again, it's a matter of luck here.

      Sorry to have disappointed you, but this should not mean that you should not go for SSB. PLEASE DO ATTEND THE SSB and GO THROUGH THE ENTIRE PROCESS. You never know, they might choose to ignore this problem. I only told you the facts :)

    7. ok sir i will sure attend the SSB i am very interested to join the armed forces and if they reject on medical terms then i will feel really dissapointed..bcoz its my dream to join the forces but thanx for building my overall confidence
      sir u r really doing a great job......

    8. sir my brother has reappear in maths in 10th class he is working hard to get above 50% marks is there any entry in
      airforce which recruits on the basis of 10th plz reply soon

    9. sorry for the late reply buddy...I think you need to be atleast 12th pass, to be eligible even for applying to the Airmen entry scheme. FOr officers it is surely, Graduation and above.

  4. Helllo

    Do u mind sharing your Contact No/email ID

    Please email me @ akshay4497mane@gmail.com

    I passed BE from Sinhgad,jul 12
    My AFSB reporting is on 31DEC@varanasi
    I appeared 5 SSB's(4 screen out/ 1 conf out)

    I'll wait for ur reply...

  5. Hello Ashish,
    Congrats for your achievement. You gave us a clear picture about what to expect at AFSB Varanasi.
    I have one query:
    Is there some sort of EKT (Engineering Knowledge Test) during the 5-day test procedure or afterwards? If yes, what kind of questions does one usually face?

    1. Hi Neo,
      There is no EKT. They have stopped taking it since 2012. There is only our regular SSB with Group Task, Individual task and Personal interview etc...


  6. Hello Ashish,
    One more query:
    Is the medical board tolerant about LASIK (laser surgery to get rid of glasses) while selecting officers for technical branch?

    1. LASIK is allowed provided it is done 1 or 2 years back. (please confirm the exact period.).


  7. Hi Ashish,
    Thank you for your immediate reply. I got my LASIK in the summer of 2007. So it has been more than 5 years now. Hence, the LASIK, according to you, should not be a point of concern for me. That's a relief! You boosted my confidence.

  8. hi sir,
    very thankful for your information.
    i just have a doubt , can I appear in Hindi at the time of AFSB
    ,bczz i am good in hindi as compare to english.i would love to give afsb in hindi.

    1. Hello Rohit,

      Yes, Certainly. There is no language compulsion in AFSB. They expect you to talk in english more often. But even if you talk in hindi and your ideas and personality suits their requirement, they will select you.

      They are just looking for Officer Like Qualities.
      You are free to talk in hindi, but try speaking in English whenever it is possible.

      Ashish Mishra

  9. hi,
    I have my afsb scheduled for 25th of Feb (technical branch). I was curious about the medicals, are they conducted immediately after afsb or are we called for it later??
    also what kind of questions are asked in interview. should i prepare GK in general or related to defense only.

    Nivedita Sheth Desai

    1. Hello Nivedita,

      1) Previously, the medicals used to be conducted right after the SSB. But in 2012, the medicals were conducted after a gap of 1-2 months.

      It is better to go prepared for medicals :).

      2) Interviews are easy and revolve around the candidate's life, hobbies and achievements. But, at least keep track of what is going on around the world , in general. They don't ask you about Air Force :)

      Also, on the 1st day itself, you are required to fill up a Personal Information Questionnaire, where you list down your hobbies, education achievements etc. You can except questions based on these as well.

      The personal interview is an important part of SSB.
      As far as I have understood, the interviewer is looking for following qualities:-

      1) Confidence with humility.
      2) Balanced views without any extremism.
      3) Honesty in answers.
      4) Ability to verbally defend your actions and the courage to accept the mistakes you have done in your life.

    2. I am not a very "active in sports" kind of person, also a bit over the weight for my height. can that go against my selection?What i really want to ask is, is physical fitness very important ?
      Physical task is what i am most worried about.

      thanks for the response.

    3. Individual task is least important. Just complete 5-6 of the 10. Weight is not an issue during SSB.
      Also during medicals, 4- 6 kgs off the mark, is no problem.

  10. This comment has been removed by the author.

  11. It is about the Medical examination Procedure ..
    how do they test the knock knees and flat foot???

  12. Hi Ashish , I must say that it is a great blog. You have provided us very useful information. I still have some doubts on my part.
    1. I am a little healthy ,so will it matter in group tasks which involves lots of physical activity ??
    2. What is the dress code apart from the PT dress?? I mean do we have to wear formal clothes or just casual clothes??
    3. Do we have to cut short our hair before going into SSB interviews??
    Hoping for a early reply :-)

    1. Hello Gaurav,

      I am glad this blog helped somebody.
      Answers to your queries:-

      1) It does not matter. In group task, it is more about giving ideas and convincing the team members to implement those ideas, to cross the hurdles.

      2) Formal Clothes are required only during the time you come in contact with the authorities - Interview, Auditorium, Roll Call , Mess etc. Rest of the time, you can wear casuals.

      3) Not the military cut. Try to look like a gentleman. Shabby appearance is a big negative in SSB.

      Ashish Mishra

  13. hello sir,
    i m also a recommended candidate from 4 afsb
    and declared medical fit...... but m worrying about merit list
    wats their criteria of preparing merit list...........is their any negative chances too...... dnt know wats gonna happen

    1. Medically fit candidates, mostly, make it to the final list. But, it is entirely dependent on number of vacancies. So a medically fit candidate not making it to the merit list is quite possible and happens every year So, try to have a back up career plan.

      Good Luck,
      Ashish Mishra

    2. hi anu......
      u have gone through d process....... can u pls help me... i just need ur little guidance.... do's nd dont's..... is dere any differance between girls nd boys afsb procedure......???????/

  14. hello ashish sir, felt encouraged after reading your article....i scored 191 marks in AFCAT written exam, will it help me anyhow in SSB and what happens after you get recommended in air force??
    please guide...!!

    1. hi shubham...... techanical or flying........???????

    2. The SSB people are unaware of your AFCAT marks. Besides, it is just used for qualification and has no role in preparation of final merit list. The SSB people simply test you for OLQs. Nothing more, nothing less. Recommendation is followed by Medicals.

      Ashish Mishra

    3. @sakshi: technical.
      @ashish sir: no sir, i just asked one of my relatives who is in indian air force.he said that AFCAT marks are added with SSB marks to make final merit list

    4. Friend, I told you what I knew...

    5. sorry sir..... bt i know d same thing.... afcat marks are considered during afsb process

  15. hello sir....
    afcat written marks affect ssb procedure........??????
    gk is important.....????????

    1. 1) No, AFCAT marks have no further role. THey are only used to shortlist candidates for SSB.

      2) Yes it is.

      Ashish Mishra

  16. hello sir...u and ur experience r quite motivating....can u help me about all the documents needed during d 1st day of afsb ssb...i am a btech final year student few more days left for ma final sem exam...i hav a backlog in ma 2nd sem nd yet not cleared ....but m sure of clearing it dis time....an i eligible for the ssb selection process....i do hav an aggregate of 67% till ma 7th semester.....plz help me

    1. Hello,
      Your case is a bit tricky.
      At the time you appear for SSB, you should not be having an active backlog. Even if you have given the backlog exam and results are awaited, they take it as a case of active backlog. They have zero tolerance here. If results are awaited and you have a backlog, they will simply send you back home.

      Documents required:- SSB people are fussy about documents. So carry all your 10th 12th and all semester marksheets and infact your entire folder of academic documents. Also, you need to produce and ID proof - PAN card, passport etc.

      Besides. once you are shortlisted for SSB, you will receive all the relevant details in a letter.

  17. Hello !
    I got recommended by 4-AFSB Varanasi on 22nd march. I have my medicals on 1st april 2013. I wanted to ask u that what kind of preparation is needed for medical tests in AFMCE ? and what are the documents we need to carry for the medical tests ? are there any problems faced by the candidates in AFMCE ? are u done with ur medicals at AFMCE ? If yes , How was the experience ? I will be grateful to u if u reply to this all.

    1. 1) Keep your weight in control. Look for BMI on internet.
      2) You would have got some documents(recommendation letter etc) after you cleared SSB, carry them all, with the ID card(PAN, Passport etc) that you used in the SSB. If you have any queries, you can even call the SSB guys, they must have given their contact info on the Recommendation letter.

      3) As long as you are fit, there is no problem in AFCME :)
      4) I cleared my SSB(May) and medicals(July) in 2012, but did not join Air Force, due to some other priorities.
      5) My experience was wonderful. It is all routine at medicals and it is far less strict than SSB. You stay at the Officer's mess and report to the AFCME every morning.

  18. hello sir......
    i am applicable for non-technical branch..... is dere any difference between the process of technical,non-technical or flying....????
    pls help me out with gk... wat should i prepare...????

    1. 1) No there isn't any difference.
      2) Kindly refer internet - mainly current affairs. That's all I can say.

  19. hi sir,
    i am in my final year of engineering from electronics and communication trade.i have recently cleared AFCAT written exam and my ssb is supposed to be scheduled on 24th of june at varanasi.
    its my first time to be a part of ssb..
    i request you to plz tell me weather there will be any technical round also where they will be asking ques related to my trade,and wiil there be any physical tasks conducted??? how to prepare for the ssb plz tell me sir..i will be greatful to you.

    1. There is no technical round. Yes there are medium difficulty level physical tasks. You can get enrolled in any of the SSB coaching centers present in your town. I am sure there will be a few institutes. Look up on the internet. If, there are no institutes, try to google up different SSB help sites...

    2. thnks for the reply sir...
      i belong to jhansi.and there are as such no proper institute for the prepration of ssb here.
      can i prefer any book for its prepration???

    3. Of late , many books have been published for SSB prep. But going by the reviews on flipkart.com, I would suggest,

      Modern SSB Interviews 4 Edition
      Author: Col. Kuldip S. Dosanjh
      Publisher: International Publishing House (2010)

      Also, there are lot of sites where you can get quality guidance. Just search for "SSB preparation"
      on google.

      Remember,they are looking for officer like qualities:-
      1) Positive attitude.
      2) A problem solver, and not a problem-poser.
      3) Confidence to lead a team, when called upon to do so or when the situation demands.
      4) Humility.
      5) Team spirit.
      6) Honesty

      Try to practice, picture perception, WAT, SRT, and all other psychological test. Also, try to go through some Group Planning exercise examples. I found this site useful:-


      Ashish Mishra

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    1. 60-70% candidates get screened out the first day. If they ask you about coaching institute, tell them Yes and back it up by saying something like - "I had the time and resources, so I used them" :) .

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  23. Yes,If you are eligible agewise. You will have to talk to the SSB authorities after you clear SSB, as the PABT is conducted after that.

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    1. Thanks. Feels good to know that someone got something out of this blog.

      Thanks Again,
      Ashish Mishra

  26. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

    1. 1) If you have access, go for coaching. It is always better to have a sneak peak into the entire procedure. It acquaints you with the entire SSB atmosphere(this is available even on internet, but it would be nice to have someone explain you the entire thing in person.). But it s role ends right at that point. Rest is your attitude. That is why, coaching is not a necessity but a luxury.

      Just go there and give your 100% in every task. Also, ensure the following:-

      a) Make lots of friends. In fact by the end of the second day, you should be in a position to tell the name and chest number of at least 10 persons in your batch and especially your group.
      b) Never ever be involved in a controversy there.
      c) Ensure, that you talk clearly and realistically.
      d) Give others a chance in various tasks and GDs. It's a mark of a true officer.
      e) Pay close attention to and follow all the instructions.

      2) Speak the truth. Explain them that you had the opportunity, so you took advantage of it(There is Nothing unethical about it.). Mark of a true officer !!!!

      3) GD happens only during the PPDT, where the topic is dependent on the picture. For lecturette, the topics relate to recent events:-

      Match Fixing
      Role of Women in Corporate India.
      Slowdown in indian economy.

      But, nobody can really guess the topics :).

      All the Best,
      Ashish Mishra

    2. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  27. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

    1. Hello Suman,

      Being a repeater, does not make a huge difference. You are judged on the basis of your current performance. The GTO and interviewers don't get influenced by past failures. They take you at face value.

      Go with an open mind, that is, without any prejudice. Refer the above comment (to Pratyush Prajapati). This pretty much sums up the things required at SSB.

      SSB is just looking for team players with a logical attitude and leadership qualities combined with civic sense. Go give your best,Rest Will take care of itself.

      Hope this helps,
      Ashish Mishra

  28. This comment has been removed by the author.

  29. sir one more thing, for pictures i usually get theme but while writing the story i usually miss the proper systematic organisation and details for the story sir how can i improve this.

  30. Hello Sir, I have been selected for the AFSB scheduled in March,3,2014 in Varanasi, but 0n March 2,2014 my GATE paper is scheduled also.So is their any way to change the date of AFSB interview.
    Also I wear specs,so is their any problem with my specs.
    I applies for the course commencing in July 2014,for which all the documents must be shown before June,15. including Provisional degree certificate issued by university. As I am a final year engineering student and so if due to some reason I will not be able to get my certificate then would I get permission to go further for the interview.And also the required date of declaration for course is 15 June,2014 but my result generally declares around 30 June,2014
    So please tell me about the solution of this problem....

    1. 1) Yes, you can reschedule your SSB. Refer the following link:-

      2) Specs are not a problem as long as your vision is as per the standards given in SSB advertisement.

      3) The Air Force Authorities will certainly give you the required time for the degree certificate. They accommodate administrative delays caused by universities.

      Hope this Helps,
      All the Best,
      Ashish Mishra

    2. Thank you Sir,
      For your guidance. I need a little help of yours...
      Can you please tell me about the documents require at the AFSB center.....

    3. The list of documents is generally given in the SSB invitation letter. But, I personally went with my entire folder of documents.

    4. Thank u Sir
      I contacted my AFSB center (Varanasi) for the change of the date of interview but they deny it. So now what should I do?
      Is their any solution of this problem...
      and also is it compulsory to reach at station at sharp 6:00am or some extra time is allowed.
      Would I be allowed to reach at interview location by myself if my train is running late....upto 8:00 am

    5. 1) The word of SSB authorities is final here. You must prepare to appear on the day assigned to you.

      2) You can't afford to be late !!! They won't accept accept any excuses. Besides, the screening process commences immediately after the candidates reach the SSB center. The remedy is to reach Varanasi one day before, stay at one of the hotels and reach the venue the next day on time. I did the same. By doing so, you not only avoid the risk of reaching late but also have a lot of time to relax before you appear for the all important SSB.

      Hope this Helps,
      All the Best
      Ashish Mishra

  31. This comment has been removed by the author.

  32. will there be EKT or not, during AFSB?? I have completed my B.E. in E.C. As I want to join the IAF either in Flying branch or in Technical branch, as there will be PABT for flying branch, Will there be an EKT for Technical or not???

    1. 1) There is no EKT for Technical Branch.
      It got scrapped couple of years back. You only have to face the regular SSB of 5 days followed by Medicals sometime later.

      2) Of course, there will be PABT for Flying Branch, once you clear the SSB. The PABT is conducted on the same day on which the SSB results are declared.

      Hope this clears things up,
      All the Best,
      Ashish Mishra

  33. Thank you sir.
    Thank you so much.

  34. Hello..
    Thanks for giving detailed account of the procedure..
    U have answered this question already..but still i need to confirm..
    I am really afraid of physical tasks..I can't jump over a small bench..and i got to know in ssb we need to perform tasks like rope climbing..snake race ..long jump..etc. Is it really so? Are the tasks difficult for a person lyk me who can't even do skipping..? Do i need to build up stamina also and practise such tasks?

    1. Hello,
      "Unable to jump a even bench" seems a bit of a stretch. I hope you don't actually mean it !! There are 10 tasks in the Individual Task round and you need to finish 5 of them to be on the safer side and jumping across a rope hurdle is one of the simpler tasks there. So I suggest, you better roll your sleeves and pay regular visit to the nearby ground or gym to tone yourself up. About the stamina - Of course you need to build stamina !! Its not that difficult. Even a week of regular practice makes a lot of difference. Just do that and even if you don't see any visible results, it will help you in the SSB.
      (They are a bit lenient with female candidates, but even then they have some minimum standards.)

      All the Best,
      Ashish Mishra

  35. Hello,

    Very informative blog. I wanted to ask you about choosing the SSB dates..Shall I go for the near ones or the far ones?/

    Also, for" WHY IAF?" shall I be honest? Once while surfing came across AFCAT and then read all about the Air Force and was very much excited to get into it. Since then i have put in my sincere efforts for clearing the exam. Do you think this answer would go against me?

    1. Every answer generates a question. Keep that in mind. Of course, your answer seems to be fine but they might ask you, further reasons or the assumptions that you have made about Air Force and the job profile it offers. The interviewer would like to know specifically what description in that article that you read, appealed to you the most. So be prepared for such questions.

      All the Best,

    2. Thanks for your prompt reply Ashish. And wat about SSB dates?

    3. Definitely the "near ones". "To take prompt initiative" is an OLQ, don't you think !!!

      Ashish Mishra

  36. hello ashish sir,
    it was really a fascinating experience going through your experience at the 4AFSB , i am really thrilled that how outstanding was it , being at the afsb premises!!!!
    sir like you i am also a die heart member of the AIR FORCE fan club and wanna join the same.
    I have got my ssb next month, and i just wanna a little favor from your side, though am quite confident about my prep , but you knw na , hw it feels to board a completely different ship.
    i jus wanna knw some last preparatory steps, kindly do reply

    1. I am glad that my experience was of some use to you ! Thanks. Confidence is half the battle won. You are on the right track. As far as finishing touches are concerned, there are some broad guidelines that always come in handy:-

      1) Never by cocky\overconfident.
      2) Be polite and assertive. (There is a balancing act here).
      3) Always follow the written\told rules in the SSB campus. Avoid controversies.
      4) Take initiative whenever you see that others are hesitant during a group task.
      5) In the PI, be yourself, however boring \ flashy your life is. They are looking for normal men with OLQs and not Celebrities.
      6) Believe in yourself. It will show up in all your actions and will immediately be noticed by the GTO and Interviewer.
      7) Last but not the least, never take any of the stages lightly. Prepare well for the Screening round, especially, WAT and SRT.

      All the Best,
      Ashish Mishra

  37. hello ashish sir,
    im glad that ur helping soo many aspirants like me.. i would like to know about medicals. i have back acne problem. will it hinder my chances.

    1. The doctors at SSB Medicals are known to be strict. If this Acne problem of yours can be controlled\reduced\eliminated, then do that. I really don't have any idea about the implications of this acne problem in the medicals. It may or may not lead to temporary\permanent rejection.

      One secret that I would like to share is - Don't write about this acne problem in the form that is given to you on the first day of medicals. Let them discover (or miss it !!) themselves.

      Hope this Helps,
      All the Best,
      Ashish Mishra
      PS: You could also meet a doctor in a nearby military hospital.

  38. Sir, my English is not fine, I do some grammatical mistakes here and there, how it going to affect me in ssb? Is it a serious issue?

    1. It is not at all an issue, as long as you are able to get your ideas across. One of the ways to avoid frequent grammar mistakes, is to use short sentences and speak at a medium pace.

      You should rather concentrate on WAT SRT and PI prep.

      Don't worry, You will be fine.
      All the Best,
      Ashish Mishra

  39. Thank you Sir, I have one more doubt, do they take PI in Hindi? Or is it compulsory to speak English in PI, I am more comfortable with Hindi, does it create any negativity?

    1. Hello,
      You must understand and appreciate that in a world filled with thousands of languages, English holds a special place because it is the language most often used in business transactions (national and international). Proficiency in English is no longer an optional thing. It has become a necessity and "compulsion", if I may use the word.

      Having said that, it does not mean that you should speak like an Oxford University Professor !! In the PI, you must strive to speak in English whenever possible. Use simple sentences to express your ideas. If you are finding it really difficult, then only switch to Hindi. And switch back to English the moment you can.

      You must try this. Sooner or later, you have to get proficient in English. Why not utilize this opportunity ?

      Hope this Helps,
      All the Best,
      Ashish Mishra

  40. Ashish,
    This is Pavan Kumar U.A. First of all I would like to say is " You are doing a very good job of sorting out a lot of issues from a lot of defense aspirants". To start with I am one of them. I had been to AFSB mysore twice. I got screened in both the times & pretty confident that i would get in this time too. But my problem lies(as i have introspected myself from the past experience) at cracking the group tasks. Not that I have a weak personality but I am not able to figure out the solution properly within stipulated time. Well No excuses for my poor performance but i want you to guide me through this(of figuring out solution for GT's).
    Thank YOU.

    1. Hello Pavan,

      Group Tasks, require you to:-

      1) Figure out a set of possible solutions and choose the best among them.
      2) Collaborate with group members and showcase your team player skills.

      During the GTs, few of the things that you could do would be:-

      - Select the best man for the job. Thinner candidates must be used for delicate tasks. In the Command task, choice of your helpers must be justified(Sometimes, you don't need them at all. So, you must first study the task carefully to decide your POA).
      - Build a consensus before you start doing something.
      - Listen to others and implement the ideas if feasible. It is not necessary to be a leader always. Those who lead must first learn to follow !
      - And while you are at it, make yourself loud and clear, so that the GTOs know what you are thinking and what you plan to do.
      - Don't get so engrossed in the task that you lose your temper. Observe general etiquette all the time.

      I think, this much should see you through the GTs.

      Also, it is my firm belief that PI + (SRT WAT TAT) + Lecturette + Group Planning Exercise, have a huge role to play in your selection. So prepare yourself on those fronts as well.

      As a parting note, I would urge you not to get obsessed with SSB. Remember - Never try too hard. Chalk out an alternate career strategy as well. This will take off some of the pressure that you must be feeling right now.

      Hope this Helps,
      All the Best,
      Ashish Mishra

  41. thank u sir, i'l make note of your advices..

  42. Hello sir, i got selected for 4-AFSB on 24th feb, 2014. I wear glasses with power -2.5D. Will this become obstacle for technical branch?

    1. Apologies for the late reply. As is appparent, your SSB is already over.
      If this power is beyond the prescribed limits mentioned in the advertisement, then you surely are in for some trouble. But sometimes, the medical guys are lenient towards technical entry scheme candidates. So, do go for the Medicals!!!

      Also, you can always visit a nearby military hospital (civilian are also allowed there.) to meet a doctor.

      Hope this helps,
      Ashish Mishra

  43. hello ashish sir......cn u plzz message me d lecturette topics dat were given dere to different cadets....plz sir i will wait for ur call or msg on my number 09211577320

    1. Apologies for the late reply, but was lately preoccupied with lots of stuff.
      Lecturette topics are a mix of general topics + current event based topics.


      Women Empowerment in India.
      War is necessary for peace.
      Arms race.
      The negative effects of Technology.
      etc etc etc.

      Current Event Based:-
      Corruption in India.
      Reasons for Slowing GDP growth etc etc etc..

      But, from the list of 3 topics that you are given, you will certainly know enough about one of them, so as to speak 5-7 minutes. So don't worry.

      Reading newspapers might help but will not bring a sea change if you haven't been reading them for a while! Otherwise, lecturette basically tests your:-

      - confidence level while addressing a crowd.
      - ability to summarize the different aspects of an issue in a clear and concise way.
      - comfort level with English language.

      Ashish Mishra

  44. ashish sir, how about PABT? how to tackle it? what kind of forehand preparation is required?

    1. I appeared for the Technical Entry Scheme and hence have no idea about PABT testing. I am sorry but commenting anything will be pure speculation. Google this stuff and you will find lots of help.

      But from my limited knowledge about PABT, like most other things in the selection procedure, it is no rocket science. Also, a lot of coaching institutes offer PABT mock testing facilities. If you want to have a feel of PABT before you go for SSB, you can always approach such institutes.

      Ashish Mishra

  45. sir ,chances of recomendation reduces in absentee batch...is it true??

    1. No. Though many say this thing, but the truth remains that SSB is a very objective process and anything except your performance in front of the board, is irrelevant.

      Go with self-belief and confidence,
      All the Best,
      Ashish Mishra

  46. Hello sir, I am presently serving as airman in IAF and now going for SSB on 28 Apr 14. this is my first attempt for SSB. In afcat I scored 129 (127 was cutoff marks). I am confident about SSB but I like to know whether my marginal afcat marks will have an impact on merit list. Also I like to know on what basis the merit list is prepared. As a serving airman we don't have any concession in SSB except that all the candidates in that particular batch will be serving airman and so the competition will be tough. Need some tips from you on how to make up my mind for the day.

    1. Hello Murali,

      Of course, the low marks in AFCAT, might affect your chances but, there is lot of weight-age to SSB as well. This is something you can't go back and change ! So better look forward and give your best.

      As far as tips are concerned, first of all, take out all biases from your mind and understand and appreciate the fact that SSB is a very fine-tuned objective process. They are looking for normal individuals who can lead a team and accomplish missions.Nothing fancy.

      Remember,they are looking for officer like qualities:-
      1) Positive attitude.
      2) A problem solver, and not a problem-poser.
      3) Confidence to lead a team, when called upon to do so or when the situation demands.
      4) Humility.
      5) Team spirit.
      6) Honesty

      Try to practice, picture perception, WAT, SRT, and all other psychological test. Also, try to go through some Group Planning exercise examples. I found this site useful:-


      Hope this helps,
      All the Best,
      Ashish Mishra
      PS:Some general guidelines:-

      1) Make lots of friends. In fact by the end of the second day, you should be in a position to tell the name and chest number of at least 10 persons in your batch and especially your group.
      2) Never ever be involved in a controversy there.
      3) Ensure, that you talk clearly and realistically.
      4) Give others a chance in various tasks and GDs. It's a mark of a true officer.

  47. This comment has been removed by the author.

  48. Hello Ashish !! My question is that Is there any specific entry for commerce graduates in Army, like there is in IAF & Navy?

    1. Sorry, I have no idea. I have only faced the procedure for Air Force.

  49. Hello Sir
    I will be appearing for my first SSB at Gandhinagar on 9th April 2014, I have been through the blog and the comment section and found it very useful.
    But I still have some doubts!
    1.)When I am reporting for the Screening and Psychology Test what should I wear, do I opt for formal or casuals?
    If I go for formal then I would have to carry at least 4 formal pairs i.e.1 for screening,1 for psychology, 1 for interview and 1 for Conference
    Am I right?
    2.)Can I carry my mobile with me to the AFSB Centre, of course I will not be carrying it around but can I take it?
    Should I take it?
    Help me out.

    1. Hello Rahul,

      1- It must be formal. Yes, you must carry enough formals for a stay of 5 days. Casuals are only to be worn while you are in dorms or while you go outside the campus in the evenings.

      2- You can carry your mobiles to the SSB center but they will be deposited with the GTO, on the very first day, after you clear the screening. You will get your mobile phones only after the final results are announced on the 5th day. It is ok to carry your mobile as it will help you once you start your return journey from SSB.

      Hope this helps,
      All the Best,
      Ashish Mishra

  50. hello sir
    i want to know if good english communication is very important for selection or can we sometimes speak in hindi. And what about the return ticket reservation date?

  51. my interview is in april,2014 at dehradun. should i again prepare for quantitative aptitude also or only verbal and non verbal reasoning and from where to prepare for picture perception test.is officer's intelligence and Picture Perception & Discussion Tests the most important part of selection?

    1. Hello Ankur,
      Let me answer all your queries at one place.

      1- It is not "very" important to have exceptional command over the English Language. Occasional slipups are not an issue. Yes, sometimes in order to fully communicate your ideas, you can speak a few phrases in Hindi. But jump back to English, as soon as you feel comfortable.Keep your sentences short and simple and you will find yourself comfortable speaking this foreign language !!
      And by the way, there is a lot more to SSB than testing language skills.

      2- Every evening, you are allowed to leave the SSB premises and hence can visit the nearby railway reservation counter, to get a tatkal\general ticket. The GSO or other officials at SSB would also be more than willing to guide you in this respect.

      3- For officer's intelligence test, practice non-verbal reasoning and analogies from RS Agrawal. The Officers Intelligence test is of medium difficulty level. People often get panicky before the test and ruin it. Keep calm and solve the questions. There is ample time given for the test. There is no specific book that I know of that can help you with PPDT. Before you start writing, the invigilators explain you whatever you are expected to write. Frankly, PPDT is quite easy and all you need to do is write a simple short and positive story.There is enough briefing given.Then during the GD for PPDT, the usual etiquettes for GD are to be observed. Make two or three strong points and let others speak. Be a good listener and acknowledge people for valid points. The aim of the GD is to get to a common story. Try to capture the general essence from everyone's story and build a consensus to arrive at a simple story that has something positive to tell.

      All the Best,
      Ashish Mishra
      PS: Some more details:-

      1) Of late , many books have been published for SSB prep. But going by the reviews on flipkart.com, I would suggest,

      Modern SSB Interviews 4 Edition
      Author: Col. Kuldip S. Dosanjh
      Publisher: International Publishing House (2010)

      2) You could search google for PDPT practice examples. You will surely find some examples.

      3) If you are really not getting the hang of things and are anxious about it, then you could visit some of the SSB coaching institutes in your town. They have ample material for practice of PPDT and other psychological tests.

  52. Sir i have wheezing trouble, will it be a cause for rejection? Am really worried.please guide me.

    1. This comment has been removed by the author.

    2. Hello Aravind,

      If it is not related to asthama or any other medical condition, then don't worry a bit. Don't let it hamper your confidence. Go out and give your all. In fact, the SSB people would be pleasantly surprised to see somebody perform well despite having a form of limitation.

      All the Best,
      Ashish Mishra
      PS: Fear and doubt have killed more dreams than failure ever will.

  53. Million thanks for your timely response..il never give up.thank you again.

  54. thank you for your help!!
    i have a query that i got passed out in June,2012(B.TECH) and after that i had worked with an IT company for 12 months and then resigned as i didn't liked my profile. and i had not been working for approx. last one year.
    so should i mention this 12 months experience in my CV or it's not needed.will they ask for experience certificate and pay slips at any time.

    i also want to know about physical testing at ssb ,should we able to to chin ups(hw many),push ups(hw many) and how much kilo metres of running.
    thanking you...

    1. Hello Ankur,

      You must mention the work-ex in your CV. They are not going to ask you for experience certificate. They don't need those things. All that they take from you, are your academic certificates.

      There is no activity requiring Chin ups and pushups at SSB. If you can do it., it's good. Running is required. So I would say, you must have the stamina to jog for 2-3 kms . That would prepare you for the Individual activity part of SSB. Thats it. To sum it up, Keep your weight in check and develop stamina to be able to jog for 2 to 3 kms.

      Hope this helps,
      All the Best,
      Ashish Mishra

  55. hie ashish sir thanku so much for your blog for all the aspirants..
    Sir i just wanted to know that I am a bit weak in Current Affairs and so is I'm concerned about my interview that what if I commit few grammatical mistakes
    Although I've a good command over this language but still to speak in front of connoisseurs means alot so
    Its my first time and my AFSB is on 21st of july at Varansi
    Sir please timely figure out all my problems
    will be grateful to u..

    1. Hello Komal,

      1- The interview is very general in nature and does not revolve only around current affairs. In fact, the percentage of current affairs based questions is quite low (15-20% ). They ask you:-

      - about yourself.
      - your family.
      - why air force ?
      - what you do in leisure ?
      - how do you utilize your pocket money ?
      - your strengths and weakness and subsequent explanations.
      - what place have you visited ?
      - tell me about your homeplace.
      - views on some recent news item (this is as close as they get to current affairs !!!)

      So don't worry and better prepare the most basic questions and likes that I mentioned above and if possible watch some news channel (NDTV India etc) regularly for coming few weeks. That should serve the purpose.

      2- Your English seems up to the mark. You see, more than anything, SSB a test of nerves. I would like to share a secret here. The mantra to succeed in any interview:-

      You must try to convert an interview into a conversation, as soon as possible. This is achieved through:-
      - a hint of smile on face.
      - exuding a relaxed demeanor.
      - carefully listening to what the interviewer is speaking and asking.
      - not getting panicked if the interviewer starts pointing out some mistakes.
      If he is right, accept it. If not, politely disagree and give a short justification for the same. That should be a signal for him to jump on to the next question and he will most certainly do that.
      - And of course, last but not the least, never bluff. Be honest and at most diplomatic, but never a liar.

      Hope this helps,
      All the Best,
      Ashish Mishra

    2. Thanku so much sir but i feel a bit hesitated while talking in front of anyone doesn't mean that i lack confidence moreover like for group discussions I'm a bit concerned so..
      and people often say that Varansi board is the toughest of all so is it really so??

    3. The talks about Varanasi Board being the toughest of all is pure rumor. 4-AFSB is just like any other.

    4. ok Sir thanku so much for your prompt replies
      will further ask you for other queries if i get any..

  56. hello sir , I need some advice regarding the procedure of ssb because its my first ssb . I choose the month of august for the interview . actually iam quite nervous because I feel quite hesitation in speaking in English and someone told me that the interview at varansi is quiet hard .. but I didn't choose august for this reason .. its because I have my final sem exam of m.sc. in may and my net exam in june last .

    1. 1- It is a myth that Varanasi SSB interviews are tough. The interviewing officers are very friendly and put you at ease during the interview. Of course, they will ask you the questions:-

      - about yourself.
      - your family.
      - why air force ?
      - what you do in leisure ?
      - how do you utilize your pocket money ?
      - your strengths and weakness and subsequent explanations.
      - what place have you visited ?
      - tell me about your homeplace.
      - views on some recent news item.

      etc etc etc...

      So, instead of racking your brains about how tough this procedure is, prepare answers to such questions.

      2- English is not an issue. Occasional grammatical mistakes are not taken into consideration by the board. Use small and simple sentences and make sure you convey your ideas in a manner as straightforward as possible.

      To conclude,
      Self-Belief is the single most important quality that will get you through SSB, and it comes from preparation. There is a lot of content on google, addressing all the stages of SSB. Go through those, prepare and build up your confidence level. If necessary, join some coaching institute. Its all up to you.

      Hope this Helps,
      All the Best,
      Ashish Mishra

  57. hello sir,
    i want to know about the average number of seats in afcat for non technical branch and sir please tell me is it really important to clear every round i.e are all the rounds of eliminating nature

    1. Hello Ashish,

      Instead of summing it up for you, I will give you the link to the final merit list for 2014. You can see the total number of selections and the overall break up for yourself.

      The numbers are almost the same every year.

      The links are:-
      For 2013 Joining:-


      For 2014 Joining:-


      Hope this helps,
      Ashish Mishra

  58. Hello Sir,
    I'm a final yr b.tech student & this is my first attempt,can you please tell me more about the group and individual tasks because I'm not much of an athlete.

    1. Hello Twisha,

      The group and Individual Tasks are light in nature. All you have to do is understand the rules and suggest ways to clear the obstacles. Nothing athletic about it. And for the technical entry scheme, the tasks are not at all physically demanding. I would suggest you to go through the following links to get a better idea:-



      The general tips for outdoor activity at SSB:-
      1- Be involved.
      2- Constantly come up with alternate solutions.
      3- Speak in a voice that is audible to the GTO standing nearby.
      4- Don't pick up arguments over solutions.
      5- Work as a team.
      6- Have a calm and attentive demeanor.

      As far as Individual tasks are concerned. Don't over exert your self. There are 10 tasks, out of which 2-3 are of medium to high difficulty level. Don't go for those, if you are not confident. I completed only 6 myself and got recommended . They are looking for officers and not monkeys !!

      Hope this Helps,
      All the Best,
      Ashish Mishra

  59. How about the number of female candidates in ssb?

    1. No ideas. There are separate batches for Female and male candidates.

  60. Plz share the selection percentage of girls in ur batch

    1. No ideas. There are separate batches for Female and male candidates.

  61. sir my next query is that
    what is the formal code for girls?
    Is it just salwaar kameez?
    or can we also clad ourselves in shirt and trousers and if yes then is tie also mandatory?
    and how long shud b PPDT?
    i mean is it ohk if i write 18-20 lines in it?
    or willit b considered as a massive story and wont b appropriate?
    plz u tell that what is the perfect limit for writin PPDT story?

    1. No ideas about Dress Code. There are separate batches for Female and male candidates.

      Yes, 25-30 lines would be enough. Not more than that.

  62. and sir in the individual obstacles what are the tactics for crossing burma bridge?

    1. Its quite simple. The GTO present there would give a live demonstrate of all the tasks before the actual testing begins. So, don't worry.

    2. ohk Thanku so much Ashish sir
      and there is one more query
      actually m unable to solve some of the ques of non verbal reasoning in practice sets
      so i just wanted to know what is the usual difficulty level of these ques?

    3. It is medium to easy. Only a stressed mind can fail there. Don't fret over unsolved questions. The standard of Non-verbal reasoning questions in RS Agrawal can become pretty nasty some time. So solve whatever you can, but not much. Just cover all the types of questions.

  63. Sir,
    I am Unable to download the AFCAT Call Up letter for the SSB which is in April from the login page :http://careerairforce.nic.in/auth/candidate/login.asp
    The page says "Login to the website not allowed"
    I tried calling the afcat cell and even sent an email to the afcat cell.
    I don't know what to do!!
    Please help!!!

    1. During my time, there was no such system. Do you have the access to the PDF of all the Roll Numbers that have been selected(with your name in it) ? If yes, take a printout of that specific page alongwith your admit card of AFCAT to the SSB. The authorities will verify your identity and candidature then and there itself . They are aware of such glitches and will definitely help you.

      Hope this Helps,
      All the Best,
      Ashish Mishra

  64. hello sir my ssb will be on 14th july 2014 in deharadun. i heard from some people that it's a rejection centre. is it true or what ?

    1. I heard the same for Varanasi !!! These are all just rumors. In fact, during my time, Deharadun had the highest number of selections.


    1. There are no compulsions mentioned by the SSB but, Yes, you should carry black formal shoes and Tie for Interviews and sports shoes (not necessarily PT, reebok or nike will also do) for outdoor tasks. Clothes, appearance and the way you carry yourself are closely observed at SSB.

      No, there are no cupboards etc. You are provided with BED with cushions and pillow inside an AC dorm-room(this was the case with Varanasi). Carry locks to secure your luggage.

      All the Best,
      Ashish Mishra

  66. hello sir...my afsb is on 16th june at varanasi.But before that i have my final semester exams with no time to join a coaching institute.Moreover i stay in kolkata.There is no ssb coaching institute here.How do i prepare?

    1. Coaching institutes are not at all necessary for cracking SSB.

      SSB- It's a very streamlined process where each and every thing is made clear to you by instructors and officers present there. If, you go through the comment section above, you will find many things (including OLQs) that are expected from a candidate. Besides do a google search for any of your queries related to SSB, and you will find hundreds of useful sites, some of which are:-


      Go through such sites and try to practice questions related to WAT, SRT, Lecturette etc. Here, I would like to mention one very important thing-> Psychological tests(http://www.ssbinterviewtips.com/p/day-2-psychology-test.html) are often tricky and the deciding factor at any SSB. So, make a schedule and practice the questions that you find on internet on a daily basis. For outdoor tasks, visit youtube and search for videos. There are plenty.

      Rest all will be fine.

      Be your normal self. People who go to coaching institutes carry with them, preconceived notions, to the SSB. That often hurts their performance. The more the natural and relaxed an individual is, the better are the chances that he\she will get selected.

      Hope this Helps,
      All the Best,
      Ashish Mishra

  67. Hey Ashish! I really appreciate the kind of dedication you show towards this post. It has helped me a lot. Everybody kept saying to me that the written marks are added to the AFSB marks and a joint merit list is released. Reading your post has been my best decision of the day. I feel much more confident than I was before. I have my AFSB scheduled on June 30th, 2014. Wish me luck buddy ;)
    Shashank Maurya

    1. Thanks for those nice words there ! I

      Glad to see your upbeat spirits. That's exactly the way to go !

      All the Best,
      Ashish Mishra

  68. Ashish Sir I got very less marks in written that is 146 while the cut off was 127
    moreover people say that written marks hardly matters but somehow it matters in the final merit no?

    and one more ques in the GDs and Lecturettes do we've a need to provide pertinent data like if the topic is Naxalism do we've a need to provide the date n place where its genesis took place and incidents related to this
    or simply we just give a definition and causes and measures to curb?

    1. 1- No one (not even the IAF authorities, despite repeated queries from candidate) has really made it clear whether the marks from written test are considered or not. So, forget about it and go for SSB with pure, unadulterated confidence and positive vibes !!
      As far as I feel, AFCAT marks are not considered for final merit list.

      2- No need for elaborate data and statistics. Relevant, common-sense points made in the right context are enough.

      Hope this Helps,
      Ashish Mishra

    2. ohk Ashish Sir thankyou so much I got u
      so the inference is I can go for the normal definition, causes and measures to curb that too with fluency and emanating confidence..

  69. Hello sir, a very informative and useful blog it is for IAF aspirants. I've seen you replying swiftly to all the doubts aspirants have about AFSB. I too want to ask something which is troubling me for a long time.
    I have cleared my AFCAT exam and my ssb is scheduled for june. I have given my first choice for flying entry. It says minimum 60% in any graduation, I am a Btech Mechanical graduate with aggregate 59.9%. What chances do I have? Will they allow me for further testing? I can talk them out if I have to. Please, suggest.

    1. 1- As 59.9 becomes 60 after rounding off. If they interpret your marks in this manner, then its fine. It's all upto the SSB authorities and I can't really assure you about anything in this respect.

      2- If I am not wrong, individuals with score below 60, aren't allowed for Technical entry scheme as well. In that case you will have to accept this cruel twist of fate and move on with you life. If you are willing to move on and learn from your past, there are equally good and even better opportunities than Defence Services.

      3- My suggestion at this point would be that you do visit the SSB center and see what unfolds there.

      All the Best,
      Ashish Mishra.

    2. Yes, will surely go. Thanks

    3. hi, palash. I have one question, which is - Did the IAF accept your aggregate of 59.9?. Actually, even i am facing this dilemma. I hav aggregate of 59.92 % in 4 yr of llb course. I have one more remaining for complettion of my degree in june 2015

  70. sir,
    i have heard that there is some backdoor entry in ssb .Is it true?

    1. These rumors are Absolute rubbish.

      If you wish to succeed, throw out such notions from your mind. Keep single minded resolution towards your goal.

      All the Best,
      Ashish Mishra

    2. thank you sir

  71. ohk Ashish Sir thankyou so much I got u
    so the inference is I can go for the normal definition, causes and measures to curb that too with fluency and emanating confidence..

  72. Respected Sir,

    I have passed AFCAT examination. My SSB date is scheduled on 5th May'14 at Varanasi.This is my first chance and also I want to make it my last chance for SSB. I am a girl candidate and I have applied for the Ground Duty Officer. First of all, my question is what is duty of Ground Duty Officer.?
    Secondly, I have not taken any coaching classes as it is not available in my town. Whatever, I know about SSB is through the internet and through books on SSB that I have purchased. Frankly speaking, these are the only two sources that have guided me for SSB preparation. Will it be sufficient?

    Thirdly,In PPDT when one have to start GD, will there be any chest call for every candidate to speak one by one or one can start in between other???
    Because somehow, there is a nervousness within me.

    Kindly also tell me the DONT'S for SSB.

    Please reply me. As there is no any other source for me to get the vague ideas on ssb.



    1. Apologies for the late reply. I was Stuck with some work.

      1- Ground Duty Officers have a job profile which is quite different from that of Pilots and Engineers.

      Indian Air Force has huge establishments and a lot of personnel to manage. The Ground duty officer is in charge of departments like:-

      - Education - Conducting exams, managing internal publications.
      - Logistics- Supply and Inventory - Sourcing, Distribution and management of everything from Computers to Uniforms to Canteen Items to equipments.
      - Department for Financial Management of Funds.
      - Metereology Department.
      etc etc etc.

      Ground Duty Officers are the backbone of the Air Force Machinery.

      2- Yes, the resources that you have mentioned for preparation are sufficient. Add to that- a pinch of confidence and you are ready for the SSB !!

      3- The candidates are given the topic along with a few minutes to think. The officer present might say that the candidates can start discussing as soon as they are ready. Else, there can also be a formal announcement to commence the discussion. Either way, things will be made clear then and there itself. Ofcourse, like any other GD, there is no sequence of speaking specified. Candidates speak randomly at will.

      4- The Don'ts for SSB:- Though this might not be an exhaustive list, but I will attempt to cover the most important ones:-

      a- Don't pick up arguments with anyone. Never Never Never. Make friends with whomever possible. This only happens once you realize that you are not competing with anyone at the SSB. Confused ? Let me elucidate. The Air Force is already short of officers and theoretically speaking., if everybody performs satisfactorily, then all will be recommended.
      b- Don't ever be late for any call up in the morning (the time when the attendance is taken).
      c- Don't ever be late coming back from civil area after you checkout in the evening.
      d- Don't ever over exert and injure yourself during the group\individual task.
      e- Don't be shy in front of anybody. Be assertive and humble.
      f- Don't ever lose your cool. Even while you are been drilled in the interview, keep a faint hint of smile and appreciate the viewpoint of the interviewer.

      All said and done, SSB offers an extremely candidate-friendly environment and whatever I say here will not be a match for what you will learn once you enter the campus. Learn as you go. Everything happens in realtime. Keep an open mind and believe in your abilities.

      Hope this Helps,
      All the Best,
      Ashish Mishra

    2. Thanks a lot Sir,for your reply.....apologies granted...

      Kindly clear one more doubt......I have read somewhere that the psychology of women differs from men.What does this mean? Please if you can kindly tell me in detail about psychological test. What should be kept in mind while answering for psychological test either in SRT or PPDT?


      Kritika Jha

    3. Well, the emphasis here is on psychology of an Officer. And that's what the SRT and PPDT check.

      The basic approach while answering all kinds of psychological tests is to move from bad to good, good to better and better to best. You must give hope to the reader. You must convey that you are not a fundamentalist or a radical element. You must convey your neutrality, honesty and strength of character. A pinch of humor is also welcome in the sentences.

      SRT is a decision making test. You must remember 3 things:-

      1- The reaction must be realistic, feasible and mature.
      2- The solution to a problem must not create new problems.
      3- The approach, if required, must involve the use of government\organizational machinery and must not undermine it.

      The only way to get a grip over SRT is to practice a few examples from different sources on google or from some books on ssb that are available now a days.

      I hope you get the idea.
      Ashish Mishra

    4. Thanks a lot for your valuable words,Sir. I got the whole idea....I have to appear in front of SSB Board to present myself in optimistic and friendly manner and all my approach should be practical and justified with a little bit of confidence.
      Hope this will work.And I will be selected.

      Kritika Jha

  73. Waiting for your reply.....please clear my doubts....


    Kritika Jha

  74. Respected Sir,

    As the day is approaching for SSB, I am facing new doubts everyday. My new doubts are:

    1) Whether it is appropriate to mention "Heading" while writing the story in PPDT or in TAT ?? Is there any compulsion?
    As in some books heading are given and in other heading are not mentioned.

    2) In TAT as per my knowledge there will be 11+1 picture. So, in every mentioned picture of TAT I'll have to write "HEADING"?

    3) Kindly also give the idea about Blank picture story in TAT.

    Please reply.


    Kritika Jha

    1. 1- No, not at all. Headings are not required.

      2- As I said, there is no need at all for heading. Just mention the picture number and start writing the story.

      3- Blank picture stories are sometimes tricky. It so happens that the story that you had thought about writing for the blank picture had to be written for one of the pictures.
      So, the best approach is to be mentally prepared in advance, with two stories from your life. These stories must showcase, as you already know, some form of courage, betterment, social change etc.

      NOTE: All the psychological tests are taken one after another without any breaks in a span of 2 hours. So it is quite natural to run out of ideas and words in TAT and SRT and also in WAT. In fact, it is only at this point that our real tendencies and attitude get exposed to the examiner. We are forced to write things that we generally feel and our attitude and perception gets revealed.

      To conquer this test, positivity and balanced outlook must come to you naturally.

      Right from this moment on , I would suggest you to start noticing the good in everyone and in every situation. Try not to complain about things. Instead think of the ways they can be improved. Understand and appreciate that we are all humans and committing mistakes, is in our nature. So, brooding over shortcomings and negativity is a futile exercise. The aim should always be to come up with solutions and ideas and have a balanced outlook towards life. Only the candidates with such officer like qualities will have this pragmatic outlook. I often say: The world is not perfect, but it's the only one that we have got.

      With this kind of thinking, One can easily come out with flying colors in ssb.

      Hope this helps,
      Ashish Mishra

    2. Thanks a lot Sir....


      Kritika Jha

  75. Respected Sir,

    Can we expect questions from our bachelor subjects during PI.??? As my hons. subject is English.


    Kritika Jha

    1. Nope. Not much. You see, the interview starts with general questions about you, your family, hobbies et al. Your answers to these questions lead to subsequent questions. So, in that sense the interviewee and not the interviewer is actually steering the interview. Try to talk about things that you are genuinely interested in. Everything will be fine.

      Hope this Helps,
      Ashish Mishra

    2. Thanks a lot Sir, for your guidance. You know, all I can say about this blog and You .....the perfect combination for ssb. I will depart day after 2morrow for my SSB. But, I would like to heartly appreciate the way you are helping us.Your quick response is incredible.Now, I am confident about SSB. I owe my thanks to you. I'll remember all your tips and suggestions during SSB.
      Wish me luck....


      Kritika Jha

  76. my oh my! this blog has been a real help to me...err not just me but everyone else out there preparing for their ssb...hey ashish u've done a terrific job by publishing this blog..its very productive for first timers like me...its been like 40 minutes n m still glued to reading all the queries and ur xtrmly helpful responses..great job!! ur blog has kicked in such a confidence in me..thanks buddy :) n all the best to everyone appearing for ssb batch of '14 (y)

    Rasika Walimbe

  77. Hi Sir, i wanted to ask whether it makes any difference if we select a later date for ssb. i.e if we do not select the earliest date. i selected the option of 16th june instead of 5th may at 3AFSB Gandhinagar as i needed some time to prepare for it. will the IO ask me about this or will it create a negative impression about me?

    Thanks and Regards
    Praneet Sharma

    1. No, it does not make any difference. But, it will make a difference if you mess up while stating the reason for the postponement in the interview. So, prepare a convincing reply before you go.

      All the Best,
      Ashish Mishra

  78. Hey Ashish,
    Can you give me some advice regarding rail bookings?
    I have 6 days mentioned on my call up letter.I am from Kolkata.I am going to reach Varanasi on Day0(One day before SSB starts).

    Now I suppose I would have to keep a reservation for Day1 back home(in case I am 'screened out') and one on Day 6 if I am 'conferenced out'.

    Do I need to stay back for some more days after Day 6 if selected?If not at what time can I expect to be able to catch a train on Day 6?On this depends my bookings.

    Please help me with your experience.

    1. You are right about the first day reservation. On the last day of ssb also, you will stay only a few hours more than those conferenced
      out. You can expect to be free by 9 PM on the last day.

  79. I would like to know, what was your answer when you were asked that why did you come for ssb after 2 years of completing your graduation ?

    1. I replied saying:-

      "As a graduate I wanted to explore the different opportunities that the industry offers. I worked and understood the opportunities and scope offered by different career options. In the end, I opted for Air Force for the overall personal and professional development that it offers. It took some time, but I wanted to make an informed career decision."

      Now, depending on the interviewer's mood and your previous answers in the interview, the interviewer might dig in further and ask you some more relevant questions. So, go prepared.

      Hope this helps,
      Ashish Mishra

    2. Thanks,It was really helpful....

  80. Hello Ashish Sir,
    Its quite clear that you might be either going through your training or you must have become a flying officer. Well, Congrats about that sir :) Your experience at SSB has really inspired me.
    Actually a year ago i also went for the SSB to join the Ground Duty branch on Grad(B.com) basis, but as i had applied on my last year and was waiting for results to come before the SSB i was just 2% away from the SSB eligibility and scored an aggregate of 58%. It went really hard on me. Still there was chance to apply after PG so i opted for M.COM and now i'll complete it by 2015 and would go for AFCAT 1/2015.
    SIR, i have read almost all the comments on this post but i want you to guide me, to prepare for the interview from now itself because i already have a whole year to go now.
    What are the best books to develop ourselves because i feel that i am an easy going amature person.
    What should be the best activities that i need to be engaged in, excluding my academics so that i can use them in my hobbies list.
    I am also an ex-NCC cadet so what would be their question to me on that account.
    How should improve my knowledge on current affairs and GK to face their questions.
    And at last how should a candidate behave with his batch mates. Should it be too friendly or formal?

    1. 1- I am not much of a reader myself, so can't really say anything here. My role model is Abhinav Bindra, so I read his autobiography - "A shot at History".

      2- Activities wise - Do what you really find interesting - It can be as simple as cricket. But the catch here is - you must be updated about it. So do the necessary. Don't get burdened by multiple activities. Keep it simple but effective.

      3- Ncc- Again I have no idea, since I have never been into NCC.

      4- GK - Prime time news at 9 is more than enough. There are very few and simple questions on current affairs and GK. It's a personality test, so the questions that I have mentioned in the previous few comments are more likely to be asked.

      5- Friendly. You must get mixed up quickly and know the names and chest numbers of 6-7 people. But, a note of caution here - Don't let your friendship get in the way during the course of Group tasks and GDs.

      Hope this Helps,
      All the Best,
      Ashish Mishra

  81. Sir,
    The way u described the 5 day once in a lyftym experience was I think,one of d best blog posts I Eva read!!u just made alive rather visualize every moment u spent der and it cums as no surprise for a confident & lively human lyk u 2 b selected as an officer.Hats off to u sir.
    I have just completed my PG in electrical engineering and will write the AFCAT 2 2014 along with the EKT and would be glad to receiv ur advice on d preparation strategy for sure shot success.pls do help vth d ryt books to refer.
    Warm Regards,

    1. The AFCAT and the subsequent SSB has become popular among the different authors only after 2012. Since then, many books have been published that talk about SSB and AFCAT. You could go for any of those books based on reviews on Flipkart.

      When I appeared for AFCAT, I went through RS Agrawal - both the books - quant and verbal-nonverbal reasoning. I did not solve it extensively. Only 20-25 questions from each chapter.

      Also, there is no EKT since 2012.

      Now I have already talked about the different stages in the main blog and the subsequent comments. So, calmness, confidence, initiative and honesty are the four most important traits you must exhibit at SSB.

      But, More than anything else, people get flummoxed by very simple questions in the PI. So, my advice:-

      1- Do get a general idea about what is happening around you- 9 PM prime time news is enough for this.

      2- Take a sheet of paper and prepare answers to the following questions (you could add more such questions, that you think can be asked):-

      - about yourself.
      - your family.
      - why air force ?
      - what you do in leisure ?
      - favorite subject
      - favorite teacher
      - worst teacher
      - how do you utilize your pocket money ?
      - your strengths and weakness and subsequent explanations.
      - what place have you visited ?
      - tell me about your homeplace.

      - What do your parents\teachers\friends\enemies think about you ?

      - What was the most exciting day of your life ?

      - Tell me a situation where you displayed OLQs ?

      - what was the saddest day in your life ?

      etc etc etc.

      Lastly, pay attention to your health and maintain minimum physical standards.

      Rest all will be fine :-)

      Hope this helps,
      Ashish Mishra

  82. hi sir
    I was recommended in
    this may from 4 afsb
    varanasi. i have a doubt
    that like ssb during
    medicals also it will be
    mandatory to stay in
    subroto park Officer's mess? I m asking dis bcz I live in delhi, so it would be more easier for me to get there.

    1. This comment has been removed by the author.

    2. No, it is not mandatory to stay at Camero's officers mess. But on the first day itself, you must tell this to the authorities at AFCME

  83. Sir,i have not downloaded my call letter the officials at 4afsb varanasi askd me to bring affidavit wid me will dis create a negative impact on my results

    1. Apologies for replying so late. Lot of travel and work.

      No, this is not going to get noticed by the SSB people. It is the task of admin guys, who are not a part of your SSB testing.

      Ashish Mishra

  84. Hello ashish sir... I am quite encouraged after reading your article. I am going for ssb on 18th August. Sir I need your help. I am confused about a picture what story can I write on this.... Two boys are sitting on a tree. Plz help me sir....

    1. Apologies for replying so late. Lot of travel and work.

      "Amir and Shankar were students in the same school. They often read about Green house effect and wanted to contribute to solving this global problem. They started with their own village. They raised this issue in the monthly gram sabha. The elders were supportive. This led to installation of water harvesting systems and plantation drives. Soon the village received commendation from the Collector. Amir and Shankar were praised for their zeal and initiative. They often sat on the branch of one of the trees they planted."

      There could be other such simlar stories. That's what that came to my mind first.

      Hope this helps,
      Ashish Mishra

  85. I hav aggregate of 59.92 % in 4 yr of llb course. I have one more remaining for completion of my degree in june 2015. Can any experienced person advise me, whether air force selection board going to allow me at ssb. Any help would be solicited .

    1. When are you planning to appear for the SSB ? What is the expected training Commencement date for the same ?

    2. My ssb is going to on the 24th september 2014. Written exam is on 31 Aug 2014. expected date for the commencement of training is June 2015.

      I have completed 8 semesters of my llb course and my aggregate percentage 59.90%. I have 2 semester remaining and i graduate in June 2015.

      I can definately score 60+ in my remaining semester. But my query is whetther i will be allowed to appear in ssb this time. I want to appear and be recommended in this ssb.

      I have been inspired by your very informative blog but can you please guide me through this problem.

  86. Thankyou so much sir
    It was a pleasure to know you sir
    You were the first mentor in the whole journey
    I asked many questions to you at times
    and you resolved all the queries
    although its a bit late
    But it feels very awesome to inform you that Sir I too was having my SSB at Varanasi on 21st of July and I got recommended and yeah I too was a Fresher
    Thankyou so much for everything sir and the Thankyous means a lot :)
