Group Discussions Primer Series: OverPopulation

Points to underline the problem:-
1)  Where there is dearth of space and not enough production of food, increase in population is certainty a burden on those who have to deal with these matters.

2) In India today, the problem has assumed serious proportions. There has been phenomenal increase of population within the last few decades, reaching upto one hundred crore at the turn of the century. The density per square mile is about 350. In USA, it is about 41 per square mile. Current Population of India : 117 Crore.

3) If the density of population be large, the pressure on the means of subsistence will also be unduly heavy. There will not be enough food to go round, and high prices of foodgrains will keep the lowest income groups on the verge of starvation.

4) The Malthusion law held that population increases far more rapidly than the means of subsistence does. At last a time comes when the growth of population has to be checked if the people are to be adequately fed.

5) Aided by superior knowledge of science, man has mastered the threat of famines and epidemics, and wars may soon be a thing of the past with the nuclear threat as a deterrent. The application of science to agriculture has increased production of food to an extent that could not have been dreamt of by Malthus. Today, in advanced countries, the increase in the means of subsistence ha6 outstripped the rate of population growth. But same is not the case with developing and under-developed countries.

Points to re-mediate the problem:-

1) In India, the problem of over-population will be best met by increase in the food resources of the country.

2) Secondly, an intensive effort must be made to bring waste lands under human settlement.

3) The propaganda for artificial birth control will be of doubtful value as long as the lower income group man, for whom family planning is most needed, does not respond adequately.

4) The world is slowly and surely coming together, to form a single global unit. Economic needs are dictating national policies to a large extent. There is also a useful shift towards an international outlook. The re-distribution of surplus food under the aegis of the, UNO and Food and Agricultural Organisation point out the way to larger adjustment on the basis of international co-operation.

5) A time may soon come when under-populated countries like Australia, America or Russia may willingly welcome and receive the excess population from other countries, irrespective of colour and custom. And who knows that the moon will not be colonised? In any case, an intensive efforts at developing the national resources remain a primary condition as well as responsibility.

Hope the article helped.
Till Next Time,
Take care and Bye,
Ashish Mishra


1 comment:

  1. Overpopulation has become a major concern for our world. As well as worrying about how to feed this number of people, now at 7.2 billion, overpopulation is adding to our ever changing and dangerous weather patterns. Over 95% of the world population increase is in the developing countries. No Government or serious World authority seem willing or able to consider the implications of this continuing overpopulation, and indeed the consequences for mankind's future, while humans increase dramatically with each passing day. Someone, someday and probably sooner than later, is going to take some sort of action, most probably drastic action, in an effort to reduce this overpopulation before it leads to humankinds early demise. A book on Amazon Books, 'Depopulate', could be seen as a warning to us all about what the future may hold!!!
